Friday, December 23, 2011

Is there Faith in the World?

As a young man growing up in my father’s house I was brought up by my father to believe that juju or witchcraft never worked or was effective in any way at all. As a grown man I now see that all my father was doing to us is to ensure that we never believed in any way that it was ever effective thereby putting inside of us the mindset that no matter the situation we would never go that way as in being dependant in juju or witchcraft.

During my years of ministry work as a Pastor I have seen and witness a lot of phenomenon or happenings concerning juju or witch craft, it is sad to note that Christian have a lot of faith in it and it is also surprising to note that desperate supposed Christian use it against other Christian and even against families, associates, colleagues and friends. I was told about a ministry where the leader at a convention of pastors and lay minister discovered that amongst them were those who had used juju to attract members

Jesus asked a question in Matthew ”When the Son of man cometh will he find faith in the world”.

I asked a senior Pastor a question does Juju works and he said to me that it works, but the word of God is greater and it diffuses the efficacy of juju.

Why is Juju so prominent in our society today, why do men and women use it and why have Christian resorted to it.

Evil will continue to prevail when good men do nothing.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Its Christmas

It’s Christmas, a time of joy, a time to give and receive and most importantly a time to show love.

Remember that you are the reason for the season, Jesus is the season and he came for you and I. God sent him to save the whole world and to bring us hope and blessing.

Let this Christmas be different, make it special for someone. Reach out in love to someone out there who has nothing in a time like this.

Christmas has always been a family thing, a time for an entire family to spend the end of another year together in one place. In my father’s age it was a wonderful time when the whole family came home together to mend any hurt and to make amends and then to make plans to move the family forward.

Is the anyone who you may have had a misunderstanding, a brother,sister,uncle,aunt,father, mother, cousin, nephew, niece, this is the time to reach out and make that call, text message or invite that one home and make amends.

Make this Christmas special, buy a bag, half bag, or even a quarter bag and a bottle of vegetable oil and maybe a chicken or a pound of meat and go out and give that family closely who do not have anything to eat this Yule tide.

Get clothes, shoes, provision and visit the motherless, orphanages and widows this season. We must take advantage of this time and reach out.

If you are that one who God has placed ahead of others in your family, then decide to bless others in your family, remember God put you ahead to be a blessing, first to your family and then the world, never be good to your colleagues and social friends and disregard your family, be different reach out in love this Christmas. Jesus came to show that God is love and brought you hope and blessing, if there were just only you in the world Jesus would still had been born!


Monday, December 12, 2011

True Love

I got this story from one of my friends on facebook and it is real

A guy who has no job got married 2 a banker, despite his fears & advices that it`s not good 2 marry without a job.

Every month d girl will give d guy her full salary N120k after removing her N12k tithe. The guy will give d wife N20k for personal up keep and guy determines what happens 2 d remaining money, dis tin happened for 3gud yrs.There was happiness in d family & d girl never refuse to do her primary home duty & 4 that 3. yrs despite wrong advice from friends.That you can't pay d bills & still be doing all d work.

There was a particular month d guy used about N70k to travel from state to state for different interviews.

The guy finally got a job with a gud firm in Port-Harcourt his salary was N300k monthly for a start.

He bought his first car (Honda Babe Boy) for N1.4m, he gave d wife d car key. So he took public transport to work 4 about 12months b4 he bought the second car for N3.2 million. After he bought d second car he took d keys of the 1st car & gave d wife d key of d second car but the wife refused, so d guy started taking public transport to work for one month. The wife now decided to take new car for d guy to stop taking public transport to work. They were very very happy.

They finally moved into thier personal house after some few years.

1 day, d wife was looking 4 some documents she now saw a file codedly hidden, when she opened d file she saw her wedding picture when she was very slim in d first page of d file. She finally saw that d document to d purchase of d land & every oder things in d house contains her name only. At d last page was d guy's wedding picture nd a note written by d husband, '' MY WIFE IS ALL I HAVE GOT,NOT EVEN THIS HOUSE WORTH N12MILLION AT THE TIME I BUILT IT''.

This couple got married in 2001. Last Sunday was their wedding anniversary with two children a boy & a girl.

True LOVE still exists up till this day.

Are you sure, the love u have 4 Him/Her can be compared to dis one u just read

Monday, December 5, 2011

A must read for married women going through identity issue

I saw this on a website and believe that you Should read it, issues related to this have lead to suicide in the part of the woman not coming to understanding the situation, please remember to leave a comment. God bless you The only place where you'll find out the REAL reason women are cheating as much as men "After researching women's sexuality for more than ten years, I can honestly say that most of our societal beliefs about females are grossly distorted and many are completely erroneous." -Michelle Langley, author of Women's Infidelity Women's relationships today follow A very predictable pattern: They push men for commitment They get what they want They lose interest in sex They become attracted to someone else They start cheating They become angry and resentful They begin telling their partners that they need time apart They blame their partners for their behavior...and eventually, after making themselves and everyone around them miserable for an indefinite, but usually, long period of time, they end their relationships or marriages. If you're a male, like most other males, you would probably never suspect that your partner is cheating, not only because of your wife’s or girlfriend’s seeming disinterest in sex; but also because you have the belief that your wife or girlfriend is a “good girl.” Unfortunately, males are frequently left/divorced by their wives and girlfriends without ever knowing about their wives' and girlfriends' infidelities. If you’re a female, like most other females, prior to cheating on your partner you always proclaimed yourself to be "not the type" who would ever cheat. However, also like most other females, after they have cheated, you're shocked and appalled by your behavior; but at the same time you can't stop cheating. Women's relationships and marriages will continue to follow this same pattern unless we develop an accurate understanding of females ─ particularly in regard to their sexuality. In fact, after researching women's sexuality for more than ten years, I can honestly say that most of our societal beliefs about females are grossly distorted and many are completely erroneous. The media has finally begun to acknowledge, albeit to a small degree, the widespread problem of female infidelity. Recently, several books and articles have attempted to explain why women are now cheating as much as men. However, none were successful in their attempt. All of them left out very important pieces to this extremely complicated puzzle. I believe the majority were simply unable to find all of the information necessary to figure out the problem. Although, I'm certain that some were just afraid to disclose certain key pieces of information because the truth, quite frankly, is so contrary to our current beliefs. Unfortunately, without these missing pieces, it's impossible to understand, and to subsequently fix, the real problem occurring in relationships today. My story: Shortly after my 27th birthday, I began to feel very different. I had been happily married for 4 years and then, suddenly out of nowhere, I began feeling bored and unhappy. In an attempt to figure out what was causing my unhappiness, I looked for answers in books, tried to talk to my Mother and eventually went to see a psychologist. All of the information I received attributed the way I was feeling to my husband, and similar to the majority of women, I began to view my husband as the culprit too. Currently, women are initiating 70 - 75% of all divorces Later, through my own research, I discovered that what I was experiencing was quite normal. In fact, women are the most likely to divorce in their late twenties and thirties after an average of 4 years of marriage. During this time, it's quite common for women to experience a pre-midlife crisis, which is similar to the male midlife crisis, only with an important difference - a difference that can actually make women more likely to cheat than men. The "stages" that women often experience during the course of their long-term relationships Several years into my research I was able to identify distinctive patterns and behaviors in the women I interviewed. I categorized these into four separate “stages” that women often experience during the course of their long-term relationships. The stages begin with a loss of sexual desire. Stage 1 Women at Stage 1 feel as though something is missing in their lives. They have all the things that they wanted—a home, a family, a great husband—but they feel they should be happier. Over time, many women in this stage begin to lose interest in sex. It is not uncommon for them to spend a great deal of energy trying to avoid physical contact with their husbands because they fear it might lead to a sexual encounter. They frequently complain of physical ailments to avoid having sex and often try to avoid going to bed at the same time as their husbands. They view sex as a job, not unlike doing the dishes or going to the grocery store. Some women in Stage 1 claim they feel violated when their husbands touch them. Their bodies freeze up and they feel tightness in their chest and/or a sick feeling in their stomach. The majority of women in Stage 1 feel as though there is something wrong with them, that they are in some way defective. They are also fearful that their disinterest in sex will cause their husbands to cheat, or worse yet, leave them. Stage 2 Women at Stage 2 experience reawakened desire stimulated by an encounter outside the marital relationship. Whether these encounters with a "new" man involves sex or remain platonic, women will typically give a tremendous amount of emotional significance to these encounters. Many women in this stage haven't felt any sexual desire for a long time. Many experience tremendous guilt and regret, regardless of whether their new relationships are sexual, merely emotional, or both. Most begin to experience what could be termed an identity crisis—even those who try to put the experience behind them. Constant reminders are everywhere. They feel guilt when the topic of infidelity arises, whether in the media, in conversations with family and friends, or at home with their husbands. Women in this stage can no longer express their prior disdain for infidelity without feeling like a hypocrite. They feel as though they have lost a part of themselves. Reflecting society’s belief that women are either “good” or “bad,” women will question their “good girl” status and feel that they might not be deserving of their husbands. Many will try to overcome feelings of guilt by becoming more attentive toward and appreciative of their husbands. However, over time many women will move from appreciation to justification. In order to justify their continued desire for other men, women will begin to attribute these desires to needs that are not being met in their marriage, or to their husband’s past behavior. Many women will become negative and sarcastic when speaking of their husbands and their marriages and it is not uncommon for an extramarital affair to follow. Stage 3 Women at Stage 3 are involved in affairs, ending affairs, or contemplating divorce. Women who are having affairs experience feelings unlike anything they have experienced before. They feel “alive” again and many believe they have found their soul mates. These women are experiencing feelings associated with a chemically altered state, or what is typically referred to as being in love. These women are also typically in tremendous pain, the pain of choosing between their husbands and their new love interests. They typically believe that what they are doing is wrong and unfair to their husbands, but yet are unable to end their affairs. Many often try several times. Prior to meeting with their lovers, they will vow that it will be the last time, but they are unable to stick with their decisions. Unable to end their extramarital relationships, women at Stage 3 conclude that their lovers are soul mates because they are unaware that they have become addicted to the high caused by chemicals released during the initial stages of a relationship. Many live in a state of limbo for years. “Should I stay married or should I get a divorce?” this is the question continuously on the minds of women at Stage 3 - it is also common for women at this stage to attempt to initiate a separation. In most cases, husbands of women at Stage 3, will launch futile attempts to make their wives happy by being more attentive, spending more time at home and helping out around the house. Regardless of women’s past and present complaints, the last thing women at Stage 3 want, is to spend more time with their husbands. The reason many women will give for their desire to separate is a “search for self.” They convince their husbands that they might be able to save their marriage if they can just have time to themselves. They tell their husbands that time apart is the only hope of improving their current situation. Women at this stage want to free themselves of the restrictions of marriage and spend more time with their lovers. Most think that eventually their confusion will disappear. They think they will eventually know with certainty whether they want to stay married or get divorced and be with their lovers. Separation allows women at this stage, to enjoy the high they experience with their lovers without giving up the security of their marriages. Husbands of Stage 3 women are often unaware that their wives are having affairs. Their lack of suspicion is typically due to their wife’s disinterest in sex and in their belief that their wife is a “good girl.” Women at Stage 3 may also be experiencing the ending of an extramarital affair, and the ending may not have been their decision. They may have been involved with single men who either lost interest because the relationship could not progress or who became attracted to another women who was single. Women whose affairs are ending often experience extreme grief. They may become deeply depressed and express tremendous anger toward their husbands. They are typically unaware that they are experiencing chemical withdrawal due to sudden changes in their brain chemistry. As a result, many will feel that they have missed their chance at happiness due to their indecisiveness. Believing they have become more aware of what they want and need from a mate, women at this stage will often place the utmost importance on finding a "new" relationship that will give them the feeling they experienced in their affairs. A new relationship with a new partner will also represent a clean slate, a chance for these women to regain their “good girl” status. Some women will search for new partners during their separations. Others will return to their marriages, but not emotionally and still continue to search. Some women will resume sporadic sexual relations with their husbands in an effort to safeguard their marriage until they make a decision. Although they are often not sexually attracted to their husbands, desire is temporarily rekindled when they suspect their husbands are unfaithful, are contemplating infidelity, or when their husbands show signs of moving on. Stage 4 The women in stage four included those who chose to stay married and continue their affairs and those who chose to divorce. Some of the women who continued their affairs stated that marital sex was improved by maintaining the extramarital relationship. Some thought the lover was a soul mate, but for one reason or another did not leave their husband and did not feel torn between the two. Others realized that their feelings were intensified by not sharing day-to-day living arrangements with their lover. Almost all of the women in this latter category were having affairs with married men. They believed their affairs could continue indefinitely without disrupting either partner’s primary relationship. The women who chose divorce and were in the beginning stages of a new relationship typically expressed relief at having finally made a decision and reported feeling normal again. Many of the divorced women who had remarried and were several years into their new marriages seemed somewhat reluctant to talk about the specifics of their past experiences. However, they did mention feelings of guilt and regret for having hurt their children and ex-spouses only to find themselves experiencing similar feelings in the new relationship. Female infidelity will not only continue to be extremely common but it will also continue to be on the rise Women are cheating and relationships are ending because men and women lack necessary information. Today's relationship problems are not only solvable, but many can be easily solved ─ once you understand what the real problem is. The information in Women's Infidelity should be common knowledge to couples, both married and unmarried, and to dating males and females. Trying to have a relationship today without the information in this book is like to trying to read without knowing the letters of the alphabet. This is not an exaggeration ─ it's a fact. Reviews and Letters from Readers "I have been reading your book all week and have found it to be completely insightful and clarifying. I have been married for 7 years and have a 3 year old at home. I have not engaged in an affair but over but over the last few months have definitely considered looking for it...Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I feel clearer now than I have for a long time. I know my whole family is going to benefit from this information." Katie Little Donna Dillman, GRIP Magazine "I just happened across your website today and what I've found is truly enlightening. As a psychologist I did have occasion to study marriage and marriage counseling to some degree but my primary interest has always been in working with children and adolescents. Clearly there is a significant absence of information such as yours being disseminated to graduating psychologists in training. Having been down the marital breakup path, I can also clearly attest to the accuracy of your conclusions...I do thank-you for writing such an insightful and informative book and will share it with my numerous friends who are currently experiencing similar marital challenges, as well as some of my professional colleagues who are more directly involved in working with couples..." Dr. D I can’t thank you enough for publishing your book, which I downloaded and last night read cover to cover until 2:30am. What struck me was that many times in the book, you described my wife’s behavior – right on down to verbatim quotes – and mine in frighteningly accurate detail. I have a better understanding of what has happened. Her relationship did not get physical, but it would have eventually, I’m sure. Understanding why is a huge part of forgiving her...I’ve made more progress with your book in a few hours than we have with a therapist in 6 weeks. With any luck, you may have been a major factor in saving our marriage. Thank you, thank you, thank you." A loving, and... less confused, husband "I just read your book cover to cover. Two sittings... much of it with... my wife. We can never thank you enough. I believe it was key to saving our marriage." Keith Vaughn Before reading your book, I had been living in limbo for almost two years. I was so confused and I felt like I was going crazy. I even went to a psychologist to try and figure out what was wrong with me. I had just about given up all hope and then I heard you on the radio talking about your book. Thank you so much for writing this book. For the first time in a long time I finally feel like I'm getting back to normal again." Justine Pace "I heard you on the radio and I thought you may have some answers for me since I had just caught my wife cheating. I was wondering why this was happening so I ordered your book. I received your book the other day and read it cover to cover. I was amazed. It seemed to be written about my marriage." Tom Brickner, Los Angeles Women's Infidelity: Living In Limbo Explains: Why females push males for commitment Why females "think" they're naturally monogamous and why males think so too Why women can't tell men what they really want Why women like getting married but not being married Why women lose sexual desire for their husbands and what women really do want sexually Why women are more likely than men to become addicted to affair sex Why marriage and fidelity can actually be MORE difficult for women than it is for men Why women overwhelmingly initiate the majority of all divorces - even when they're married to men who love and treat them well Why and how men unknowingly make the problem worse by doing exactly the opposite of what they need to do in order to fix the problem Women's Infidelity II : Breaking Out of Limbo Explains: How to get clear about what you're really doing How to understand your feelings for your husband - what it really means when you say, "I love him, but I'm not "in" love with him How to know if your feelings for the "other man" are real How to know if there's a possibility for a future with the other man How to stop your circular thinking How to end your confusion and move forward in 7 clearly defined steps Limbo is one of the most painful experiences we can go through in our relationships. I've interviewed several hundred people in this situation and I've also been there myself. When I was going through it, I felt like I had an ailment, a condition of some sort. At the time, I just knew I had something and whatever it was, it wasn't normal. For several reasons, which I explain in my book, infidelity and marital limbo are quickly becoming the norm for women and, as I've already pointed out, women are also initiating 70 - 75% of all divorces. I sincerely believe that the information in Women's Infidelity is crucial for both males and females, regardless of their relationship status. Furthermore, I also believe that it would be a mistake to end a relationship prior to reading this book. ─ Michelle Langley "I don't know how I can ever thank you. Your book saved my marriage. After I read it I had my wife read it. My wife and I have now not only reconciled but we also have a much more honest relationship." Mark Brennin "Thank you for bringing everything into focus. It took guts to put this information out there and I can't thank you enough for doing it. " Allissa Misloch "What I find so disturbing is that I could have been in counseling for another 10 years and I still would not have learned anything about what I learned from your books. I am grateful to you for putting this information out there for people like me who have been hurting and confused for so long." Julie Heckner Order Women's Infidelity Now Please leave a comment and if you need to get this book let me know….

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Marriage act

Marriage is something very beautiful and God instituted marriage as a blessing and for both the man and woman. Sex in marriage is pure and sweet. It is an act that strengthens the union of the man and woman, it is medicine for the soul and when any party in the union is deprived of it then issues begin to arise.
Many a time women complain that they do not find satisfaction during the act and sometimes feel frustration. If that is the case then both parties should take time out to discuss it and find ways to bring satisfaction of both parties.
I find it amazing that man and wife do not like to discuss sex openly without a feeling of discomfort, please marriage is ordained of God and there is nothing shameful about it so go ahead and talk about and do not die in silence.
1 Corinthians 7 Paul writing to the Corinthian church from verse 3 – 5” Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband and likewise also the husband hath no power of his own body but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourself to fasting and prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
Here the Bible lets us know that marriage is a total commitment of both parties in act and deed.
When He commanded that the husband give the wife due benevolence, it simply means that both parties must respect each other regarding lawful sexual needs, pay the matrimonial debt and render the conjugal duty to each other mutually SATISFYING each other and he warned that any disobedience to this then the denying party maybe responsible for the infidelity of the other. I have had the opportunity of counseling married men and women the issues are similar. The word I am tired is a door opener to crisis. If either the man or woman needs it then it must be a yes, a man can take his work or business home and work late but when his wife ask for just a few minuets he says he is tired, that’s absurd and wicked. How long does it take and truthfully it is pleasurable so he may just be losing out also. Once is okay to be tired but if it becomes consistent then you are saying to your wife I do not care and this is fighting the oath you took when you got married this also applies to the woman you cannot put your job, business or career ahead of your husband sexual needs.
A deacon made this statement in a men’s fellowship meeting that if he ever found his wife with another man then he knows he has failed her and will take her home and forgive her knowing he caused it. Wow can you beat that, marriage is fun, its perfect, its wonderful and sweet and you know what it is not for the boys but for men and remember, MARRIAGE IS FOR EVER ponder on this.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Create Wealth not Liabilities

When you make the right choices in life you always remain ahead and no matter the situations that come your way you stay on top. Peter sent me his story from London. Peter grew up in an average home and had a good education and he was modest or so he thought until he left home and started working. His early days working were just the regular 9 – 5 kind of work with just the right salary to live by and also to get the working experience he needed. At 35 years he got a very good job with all the trimmings, a salary with five zeros, a car, housing and medicare. So Peter knew it was time to get married and then he met Jane in church, she was any man dream woman. Life was just perfect. This is where he said he missed it; instead being modest Peter forgot where he was coming from and began to live the big boy’s life. Expensive clothing’s, Expensive phones, designer perfumes, Expensive shoes and watches. It’s been 5 years now and he still has not been able to meet his bills, his children school fees, rent and has not been able to own his own house.
Peter’s situation is self induced, he has not been able to put a stop to his hunger or should I say cravings to spend money instead of making money work for him. He is easily bowed over by peer pressure, he moves in the wrong circle, the type of people he works with are the fun seekers who believe only in their monthly pay checks and have no desire to delay gratification for something better.
The money you earn can be become the capital for a business or an idea, instead of that expensive toy or gadget why not invest in the future when you may need to take things easy. That dress or new car, that expensive shoe or suit can become a stock or bond. Remember that that job or office where you earn so much was somebody’s idea or dream that has become a blessing to so many people who are earning money to help and meet their families need. After working for a year you should have saved half of a years salary to make up for your effort, if that’s the opposite then its time to do a rethink and change your ways of living. Always take time to think things over, a day or 2 to decide before spending large amounts of money and finally never buy things on credit, if you ever need a new dress or shoes and do not have the cash to buy then you can live without it let it go. Always plan and save to buy an item, when you train yourself this way, savings will increase and ideas to increase your savings will come. Take charge

Enthusiasm (God within us)

ENTHUSIASM.Ever thought of what that word means, I never thought of it until I decided that I would stop being a mediocre and be truthful to myself and to the dreams that God gave to me. Today come out of self pity and stop blaming everybody for your failures or your fears. You are bigger than your fears, remember that your fears are inside of you and you know what if it’s inside of you then you are bigger than it. You are the only one that has the ability to make you a SUCCESS or a FAILURE. Faith is the exact opposite of fear, for once have the decency to believe in yourself, I am aware that those around you can puncture your dreams but it all depends on your outlook. Be a positive person, go ahead start that business if it fails at least you started and you can then find out how you failed at it. To fail does not make you a failure, it just proves that you are on track and if you consistently hit at it you might just discover GOLD. Today take that step and discover a world of possibilities

Be Active

An idle mind is a play ground for the devil. An inactive person will expire and I mean it. I often wonder how a man or woman will retire from work and just sit around doing nothing. This will only lead to boredom, sickness and death. No matter the age NEVER retire, you see man was made to work and I mean to be active, the moment you stop working or being active in service or a job then you begin to die.
Never allow the mundane life, be actively involved in something, get your gratuity funds and start a business, a cause or a service.
A 65 year old lady who retired went to the US to visit her daughter who just had a baby and stayed to take care of the baby as child care persons in the US are expensive. Few months later before she knew it she started taking care of new born babies whose mothers had to go to work and before long it grew and at 75 today she has built houses back home in Nigeria and became a M millionaire at 75.
What are you waiting for, NEVER retire be active, be the answer to that need in your locality. You are not a NOBODY.