Thursday, December 1, 2011

Create Wealth not Liabilities

When you make the right choices in life you always remain ahead and no matter the situations that come your way you stay on top. Peter sent me his story from London. Peter grew up in an average home and had a good education and he was modest or so he thought until he left home and started working. His early days working were just the regular 9 – 5 kind of work with just the right salary to live by and also to get the working experience he needed. At 35 years he got a very good job with all the trimmings, a salary with five zeros, a car, housing and medicare. So Peter knew it was time to get married and then he met Jane in church, she was any man dream woman. Life was just perfect. This is where he said he missed it; instead being modest Peter forgot where he was coming from and began to live the big boy’s life. Expensive clothing’s, Expensive phones, designer perfumes, Expensive shoes and watches. It’s been 5 years now and he still has not been able to meet his bills, his children school fees, rent and has not been able to own his own house.
Peter’s situation is self induced, he has not been able to put a stop to his hunger or should I say cravings to spend money instead of making money work for him. He is easily bowed over by peer pressure, he moves in the wrong circle, the type of people he works with are the fun seekers who believe only in their monthly pay checks and have no desire to delay gratification for something better.
The money you earn can be become the capital for a business or an idea, instead of that expensive toy or gadget why not invest in the future when you may need to take things easy. That dress or new car, that expensive shoe or suit can become a stock or bond. Remember that that job or office where you earn so much was somebody’s idea or dream that has become a blessing to so many people who are earning money to help and meet their families need. After working for a year you should have saved half of a years salary to make up for your effort, if that’s the opposite then its time to do a rethink and change your ways of living. Always take time to think things over, a day or 2 to decide before spending large amounts of money and finally never buy things on credit, if you ever need a new dress or shoes and do not have the cash to buy then you can live without it let it go. Always plan and save to buy an item, when you train yourself this way, savings will increase and ideas to increase your savings will come. Take charge

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