Friday, December 23, 2011

Is there Faith in the World?

As a young man growing up in my father’s house I was brought up by my father to believe that juju or witchcraft never worked or was effective in any way at all. As a grown man I now see that all my father was doing to us is to ensure that we never believed in any way that it was ever effective thereby putting inside of us the mindset that no matter the situation we would never go that way as in being dependant in juju or witchcraft.

During my years of ministry work as a Pastor I have seen and witness a lot of phenomenon or happenings concerning juju or witch craft, it is sad to note that Christian have a lot of faith in it and it is also surprising to note that desperate supposed Christian use it against other Christian and even against families, associates, colleagues and friends. I was told about a ministry where the leader at a convention of pastors and lay minister discovered that amongst them were those who had used juju to attract members

Jesus asked a question in Matthew ”When the Son of man cometh will he find faith in the world”.

I asked a senior Pastor a question does Juju works and he said to me that it works, but the word of God is greater and it diffuses the efficacy of juju.

Why is Juju so prominent in our society today, why do men and women use it and why have Christian resorted to it.

Evil will continue to prevail when good men do nothing.