Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Infidelity in marriage

I saw this story posted on a site about a woman who committed adultery so
many times in her married life. It is sad to know that this trend or cases
abound in recent times. I am posting this due to the cases of abuse in
marriages and cases where the men had turn violent. Most times we are not
aware of what may have led to these issues. I have heard in some cases
that the women claimed that the were either deceived or manipulated, I
strongly disagree, the act of unfaithfulness does not begin when one is
married but it has been there before the woman ever got into it. Read this
story to understand my comment.

My story of adultery actually began before my first marriage. I had my
first affair with a married man when I was 19 years old, and my pattern of
adultery and marital infidelity continued for many years after that.
Ironically, I grew up in a fairly conservative household that frowned on
premarital and extramarital sex, and I remember early in my teenage years
wanting to remain a virgin until I got married. However, I also wanted to
be noticed by members of the opposite sex, so I spent a lot of time making
myself attractive and "sexy" for them. I felt empty if I wasn't trying to
attract a man, yet once I had gained his attention and had begun an
affair, I soon grew bored and began looking for a new conquest.

I never thought of myself as the "other woman" type, but without a doubt,
I was the other woman. There were times when I was even "friends" with the
wife of the man I was having the affair with. My behavior was abominable,
but I had myself convinced that everything was all right because I never
intended the break up anyone's marriage. I just wanted to see if I could
entice a man enough that he would cheat on his wife to be with me.
Although I know of only one wife who found out about me, I'm sure that I
caused all of the other wives excruciating pain. For that I am truly
sorry. "Sorry" doesn't really begin to cover it, but unfortunately that is
all I can offer at this time.

With my sexual history, I should have never gotten married. I cheated on
my first two husbands before and during our marriages. I couldn't seem to
stop myself. Although my extramarital affairs certainly involved sex,
ultimately, they were not about sex. My marriages were not sexually
dissatisfying, so it was not sex that I was seeking when I had affairs.
Instead, I was searching for something to fill the emptiness in my life-
the hole in my heart that never seemed to heal. Some people use drugs,
alcohol, or money to try to fill that emptiness; I used sexual affairs. I
had what is known as a "process addiction." I needed the "high" of my
latest sexual conquest to feel alive-to feel anything.

God takes a very strong stance against marital infidelity. The term
adultery is used 15 times in the Old Testament and 18 times in the New
Testament. Every mention is some sort of admonition about or against the
act. In the book of Proverbs, we learn that whoever commits adultery lacks
understanding and destroys his or her own soul. "You shall not commit
adultery" is the seventh of God's Ten Commandments to us, and in Jewish
law, anyone who committed adultery was to be given the ultimate punishment
and be put to death. There were not a lot of offenses punishable by death
in the Jewish law, but adultery was one of them. That's how strongly God
feels about marital infidelity. even do the ten commandments was given to
the Jews, from it we understand how God feels about adultery.
For emphasis, for a woman to be caught in the act of adultery it is due
to the law that a woman can only be made to do it by force, so if she was
not screaming or struggling then it is a willful act. So when a woman
claims she was manipulated, it very upsetting and foolish lets not for get
that it is an ACT. After reading the story above, I concur that the woman
has it already in her it is her weakness and only by admitting it
sincerely can it be cured, or what do you think?