Thursday, December 1, 2011

Be Active

An idle mind is a play ground for the devil. An inactive person will expire and I mean it. I often wonder how a man or woman will retire from work and just sit around doing nothing. This will only lead to boredom, sickness and death. No matter the age NEVER retire, you see man was made to work and I mean to be active, the moment you stop working or being active in service or a job then you begin to die.
Never allow the mundane life, be actively involved in something, get your gratuity funds and start a business, a cause or a service.
A 65 year old lady who retired went to the US to visit her daughter who just had a baby and stayed to take care of the baby as child care persons in the US are expensive. Few months later before she knew it she started taking care of new born babies whose mothers had to go to work and before long it grew and at 75 today she has built houses back home in Nigeria and became a M millionaire at 75.
What are you waiting for, NEVER retire be active, be the answer to that need in your locality. You are not a NOBODY.

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