Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Marriage act

Marriage is something very beautiful and God instituted marriage as a blessing and for both the man and woman. Sex in marriage is pure and sweet. It is an act that strengthens the union of the man and woman, it is medicine for the soul and when any party in the union is deprived of it then issues begin to arise.
Many a time women complain that they do not find satisfaction during the act and sometimes feel frustration. If that is the case then both parties should take time out to discuss it and find ways to bring satisfaction of both parties.
I find it amazing that man and wife do not like to discuss sex openly without a feeling of discomfort, please marriage is ordained of God and there is nothing shameful about it so go ahead and talk about and do not die in silence.
1 Corinthians 7 Paul writing to the Corinthian church from verse 3 – 5” Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband and likewise also the husband hath no power of his own body but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourself to fasting and prayer and come together again that satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
Here the Bible lets us know that marriage is a total commitment of both parties in act and deed.
When He commanded that the husband give the wife due benevolence, it simply means that both parties must respect each other regarding lawful sexual needs, pay the matrimonial debt and render the conjugal duty to each other mutually SATISFYING each other and he warned that any disobedience to this then the denying party maybe responsible for the infidelity of the other. I have had the opportunity of counseling married men and women the issues are similar. The word I am tired is a door opener to crisis. If either the man or woman needs it then it must be a yes, a man can take his work or business home and work late but when his wife ask for just a few minuets he says he is tired, that’s absurd and wicked. How long does it take and truthfully it is pleasurable so he may just be losing out also. Once is okay to be tired but if it becomes consistent then you are saying to your wife I do not care and this is fighting the oath you took when you got married this also applies to the woman you cannot put your job, business or career ahead of your husband sexual needs.
A deacon made this statement in a men’s fellowship meeting that if he ever found his wife with another man then he knows he has failed her and will take her home and forgive her knowing he caused it. Wow can you beat that, marriage is fun, its perfect, its wonderful and sweet and you know what it is not for the boys but for men and remember, MARRIAGE IS FOR EVER ponder on this.

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