Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Its Christmas

It’s Christmas, a time of joy, a time to give and receive and most importantly a time to show love.

Remember that you are the reason for the season, Jesus is the season and he came for you and I. God sent him to save the whole world and to bring us hope and blessing.

Let this Christmas be different, make it special for someone. Reach out in love to someone out there who has nothing in a time like this.

Christmas has always been a family thing, a time for an entire family to spend the end of another year together in one place. In my father’s age it was a wonderful time when the whole family came home together to mend any hurt and to make amends and then to make plans to move the family forward.

Is the anyone who you may have had a misunderstanding, a brother,sister,uncle,aunt,father, mother, cousin, nephew, niece, this is the time to reach out and make that call, text message or invite that one home and make amends.

Make this Christmas special, buy a bag, half bag, or even a quarter bag and a bottle of vegetable oil and maybe a chicken or a pound of meat and go out and give that family closely who do not have anything to eat this Yule tide.

Get clothes, shoes, provision and visit the motherless, orphanages and widows this season. We must take advantage of this time and reach out.

If you are that one who God has placed ahead of others in your family, then decide to bless others in your family, remember God put you ahead to be a blessing, first to your family and then the world, never be good to your colleagues and social friends and disregard your family, be different reach out in love this Christmas. Jesus came to show that God is love and brought you hope and blessing, if there were just only you in the world Jesus would still had been born!


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