Monday, July 9, 2012

Traditional Weddings(Phobia)

It’s appalling to see the way the issue of relationship between a boy and a girl or in recent time between a brother and a sister in church and the result of having long courtship due to the fear of going through the marriage ceremony. This fear is not due to a lack of understanding between both parties and for the record nobody ever experience true love until after you get married so this talk about being in love as the reason for getting married is just a joke or fallacy.

So I ask what happens to this love after a few weeks or even days after the ceremony when both parties begin the real process and there now discover that the have different taste and desire, love in marriages takes a while and it come true patience and perseverance.

When you see a couple married for over 35 years then you will realize that it must have come through great sacrifice from both parties and even more from the woman. Most divorces you hear about comes more from misunderstanding and in most cases the failure of the woman to submit but that is another days topic.

Today I am talking more on how society has failed the younger generation by imposing too much demand on the marriage ceremony than the marriage itself, quoting Pastor telling us about his own experience “the wedding party or reception is not the marriage; it’s the couple that is the marriage”

This demand on issues like where to have the reception, the food, the arrangement is not the integral part of getting married, its even more appalling in Nigeria today where so much is placed in the so called “TRADITIONAL WEDDING” So called traditional weddings run into millions of Naira, but if one is lucky you might get a bill of less than 500,000 naira. Most expensive weddings do not last long, its just a photo trick.

This has lead to so much pains and misgivings when it comes to the boy going to the girls place to get her hand in marriage in the so called introduction that is when the boy’s relations come to inform the girl’s family of their intention. This phobia has gone to the extent that the are a lot of saved Christians who are married the traditional way and yet to get married proper.

I know some people think that the traditional is more important but that’s where we miss it, who came first God or man, who handle the first marriage ceremony, God of course, where there any expensive occasion or any exchange of expensive gift. Its time we put things right, we are not of this world and its mode of operation.

Do you know how many young men and women have died in Nigeria in the bid to travel far and wide for a so called traditional marriage?

In the civilized system of getting married all you require is to locate a priest or a pastor and all you need is your rings and the vows. The most important aspect of marriages is bringing it before the ONE that started it God our father.

As I write I can count at least 26 born again Christians who are not rightfully married in the eyes of God, but have either done the introduction or the traditional marriage and kids have arrived or are already on the way.

I say this to you do not take chances or let the system destroy you, do it right and do it the Gods way. If you can afford a ring and you are sure both of you are in agreement get to your Pastor and do it right, whoever want to be angry that he or she was not there to eat an drink at your expenses is free to get angry. The success of any marriage is based on the Faith of God so make Him your number one partner and live the dead to handle the dead things of this world

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sacrificial Giving (offerings)

Sacrificial Giving (offerings)

Introduction: What is sacrificial offering? In Hebrew from where the bible was translated from the word Minchaw pronounce (min khaw) means to give or offer a sacrificial giving and it describes it as a gift, a tribute, a present, an oblation , offering (to God through representative) which is received by the priest. These kinds of giving or offerings are special and great in nature and are made for very specific reason or for a special purpose.

It is not the tithe or free will giving; it is for that one who desires a divine change (Psalm 126:5-6.

Offerings to God in Old Testament times by which man hoped to atone for his sins and restore fellowship with God. The Bible depicts man as a sinner abiding in death and destined for death. He abides in death because he is separated from fellowship with God and unable to restore that life-giving fellowship (Rom 5:12; 8).

It is God, who instituted the sacrificial offerings; this method is the sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ (Heb 9-10). Remember that God tested Abraham in this way before he was able to receive the promise that through him blessing, favour and salvation would come to the whole world. As you study the bible you will discover that Abraham trusted God totally after all that we have come from God.

In 2 kings: 3 reading down there is a wonderful story about what sacrificial offerings can do

Today we do not offer blood or animals any more as sacrificial offerings, Micah 6:6, God is not interested in the offering but he is more interested in your trust in him and your acting on His word, Jeremiah 33:6-14, 22. We can never out give God; he does not need your offering but your total trust in Him and His word.

Look at King Solomon who was the heir of King David, who offered to God a thousand burnt offering just to show God that his heart was towards God, he was not even in need and God gave him an open check.

In 2 Samuel 24:17 – 25,you must be aware that HE is a GOD, in our dealings with God our heavenly father it is imperative that we relate to him firstly as our God and then the reality of fatherhood will come to ours.

As children of God, it is mandatory to constantly offer sacrifice to God

Any time as Children of God when we require a change or we want to move to another level then we must show or proof to God that we trust him totally by giving that sacrificial offering. I know a man who gave a million to a man of God who has the healing anointing and later this person was healing people in his locality.

Connect yourself to God through the anointing in your man of God; your sacrificial offerings are to be received by your man of God as ordained by God 1 Corinthians 9:1 – 17

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Power of the Lord's table

The breaking of bread or the Communion is something that is special to me, it’s sacred to me it’s a kind of relationship and oneness between the Lord and me and my brethren.

Instead of my pleading the blood, I take the communion in its totality as the outpouring of the Lord's blood as a covenant and sanctification over me and all that concerns me.

In the book of Matthew chapter 26 verse 26 – 29 where our Lord Jesus first broke bread and drank the cup he declared that it signified the beginning of a new covenant by the shedding of His blood for the atonement of sin for all men which was foretold in Isaiah chapter 49 verse 8, and explained further in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 and Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13- 16.

This covenant is a new law abolishing the former covenant of laws that men could not obey as it was based on laws, this new one our Lord spoke about was based on His shedding of his blood as the Lamb of God, given by God himself for man and it is a covenant of LOVE. John chapter 3 verses 16, God’s love for man brought about it.

After the fall of man (Adam) in his glorified state, it took the love of God to make a redemptive plan to bring him back to God. Without the shedding of blood there is know remission of Sin, Matthew 26 verse 28, Mark chapter 14 verse 24, Luke chapter 22 verse 20 (separation from God, the loss of the glorified man) .

This and many other scripture is what makes the breaking of bread special. The Communion signifies love between us as Christian and oneness with Christ (The anointed one and His anointing).

Any time I visit a Christian family or I am visited by a Christian family and leaving that city or place I ensure we have communion. In Acts Chapter 2 verse 46-47 it teaches about how the Apostle did it in as expression of the oneness and it brought about great result in the Church.

In the book of Corinthians chapter 10 verses 16-17 it answered a question about the Communion and also gave reason for it and the result of doing it in faith.

I also teach the brethren to have communion as often as the occasion arises, for example when praying about an illness and it seem there are challenges instead of praying and pleading the blood just break bread and declare that since His body was broken for you and His blood poured out for you then that sickness cannot stay in your body as the blood of Jesus our Lord has cleanse and made that body perfect. Is it a Job or a business that seem to be a challenge then do the same.

I know a relative who did that almost every week, it got to a point where he used ordinary water in faith when he could not afford the beverage. Today I testify to the glory of God and the poured out blood of the Lamb of God he is working in a high profile job with a salary of five figures.

I will add a comment from a great man of God, E. W. KENYON in his book THE BLOOD COVENANT “The Lord's table is a confession of our faith and our loyalty to love, just as the Fathers giving Jesus is a confession of His love. Jesus coming and giving Himself for us was a confession of His love.

They were both loyal to love.

Jesus said these significant words, “As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup you show forth my death till I come.

It was a Covenant. He said, “This is my blood of the New Covenant” As often as you drink it you show your faith in His Covenant.

When you eat the bread and drink the cup you ratify this Covenant. It is a love Covenant.

First, it is your loyalty and love to Jesus. Second, it is your loyalty and love for His Body, the Church.

It is a confession of your love for another. It is a confession that you have eaten and drunk with them and now you are going to bear their burdens.

You have identified yourself with each other, just as He identified Himself with you in His Incarnation and Substitution.

That would be the Masters attitude toward the Lords table.

When I break the bread and drink the cup, I not only confess my loyalty to Him, but to every member of the Body of Christ who breaks that bread and drinks that cup with me.

If I am strong, I bear the burden of the weak. I have taken over their weaknesses.

The Lord's Table means that I will never criticize, but I will assume their spiritual responsibilities and weaknesses”.

Please I pray you to get this book and it will open your eyes to the significant and importance of The Lord's Table.

Take charge and God bless you

Prayer and how to pray

What is prayer? The only definition of prayer in the Bible is found in Samuel chapter 1 verse 15-16 in describing Hannah’s praying manner at the temple. It is defined as an outpouring of the soul (where mans emotions dwell) before God. It is heartfelt and continued.

If you study the reading you will discovered that when one prays in that manner most times that one is not heard, but the mouth is moving and the prayer is focus and deep and for hours.

Often times the subject of prayer has been misunderstood by most Christians and it is alarming that this subject of praying is not placed in the rightful order in relating to its importance as practicing Christians.

In my early years as a Christian when asked to pray I will just recite the so called the Lords prayer and that was what most of us Christians ever knew as a prayer. Later on I was taught the right way to pray in Church and made to understand from teachings and personal study that the so called the Lords prayer was not His prayer at all but a model of prayer, the format to pray Luke chapter 11 verse 1and 2, Matthew chapter 6 verse 9.

I dare say that even today some Christians still pray the format our Lord Jesus gave as a daily prayer to be said.

Prayer is seed to be sown daily, Jesus said that “men always ought to pray and not to give up” When we pray we do not say our prayers as is the belief we pray and we pray our Lord Jesus told us “to take with us word with which we will be able”, enable to create, deliver and to overcome. Praying is a labour, there are times to pray for 5 minutes, 15 minutes but when it is a situation that needs changing or a circumstance that must turn around then it becomes a labor.

When we study the life of the Master we discovered that any time he took time to pray, miracles happen, healings and circumstances are changed. Even the Apostles of Christ observed that the life of the master was filled with signs and wonders when ever he came out of his prayer times. There is a level you get to in your prayer time when your spirit opens up and you can see the unseen. As a leader in church when we have had meetings where we would pray for over 4 hours without braking or sitting down all-night and you know what, in the morning we are charged up and not weary.

As a Christian when we pray according to His word, he hears us and we have the certainty that we have the petition of our prayers answered. Luke chapter 11 verse 9 – 10

It might tarry or it might be instant but know this no matter the length of time, prayer is heart felt and continued. When praying about a need, situation or circumstance put away worrying and anxiety Matthew 6 verse 25 – 34 as this can short circuit the power of God as this can lead to desperation and then lack of faith.

When praying and you notice that your faith is dwindling get another Christian or create a prayer chain or group to be united with you in praying as there is an awesome power in united prayer Matthew 18 verse 19, Mark 11 verse 22, John 15 verse 7 and 16.

In prayer remember that there are wrong and right ways of praying, take time to study by reading your Bible. Never rely on anyones comment always take time to study for yourself. The Bible is not for non Christian, but the manual or guide to Christian to living the successful life that God planned for His children, you and me. I study the bible every day and read books and commentary about the Christian life everyday, please do yourself a great blessing by getting books and the different translation of the Bible (Gods written word) and investing time to study. It will change your life forever and make you a success in the issues of this life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 ways to be a great Christain Dad

1. RESPECT YOUR CHILDREN MOTHER, One of the best things a father can do for his children is to respect their mother, to keep family values and your marriage strong and vital it is important to respect and support the mother of your children with open show of affection at all times.

2. SPEND TIME WITH YOUR CHILDREN, How a father spends his time tells his children what’s important to him. If you always seem too busy for your children, they will feel neglected no matter what you say.

3. EARN THE RIGHT TO BE HEARD, All too often the only time a father speaks to his children is when they have done something wrong. Begin talking with your kids when they are very young so that difficult subjects will be easier to handle as they get older, take time and listen to their ideas and problems with enthusiasm

4. DISCIPLINE WITH LOVE, All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable limits. Remind your children of the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful rewards for desirable behavior.

5. BE A ROLE MODEL, Fathers are role models to their kids, whether they realize it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by boys and what to look for in a husband. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility and responsibility.

6. BE A TEACHER, Too many think teaching is something others do. But a father, who teaches his children about right and wrong and encourages them to do their best, will see his children make good choices.

7. EAT TOGETHER AS A FAMILY, Sharing a meal together (breakfast, lunch or dinner) can be an important part of healthy family life. In addition to providing some structures in a busy day, it gives kids the chance to talk about what they are doing and want to do about it.

8. READ TO YOUR CHILDREN, Begin reading to your children when they are very young. When they are older, encourage them to read on their own, Instilling your children with a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure they wuill have a lifetime of personal and career growth.

9. SHOW AFFECTION, Children need security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted and loved by their family. Parents, especially fathers need to feel both comfortable and willing to hug their children. Another to show affection is by hugging and kissing their mother in front of them. Showing affection every day is the best way to let your children know what love is and that you love them.

10. REALISE THAT A FATHERS JOB IS NEVER DONE, Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still look to their fathers for wisdom and advice. Whether its continued schooling, a new job or a wedding, fathers continue to play an essential part in the lives of their children as they grow and perhaps, marry and build their own families

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Infidelity in Marriage

Seriously I am lost of words to explain or try to find out where the problems in marriage really originate from, why a grown man or supposed grown man would find it difficult to handle a woman (his wife). After all when it was dating time it was ideal it was wow so where has the feeling gone to. Well like I said in my first write up, it is a male egocentric problem.

Lets go back to the beginning when the woman was first introduce to the man, please read the tenses, man and woman not boy and girl. Remember Adam came as a grown man and it was his father God who decided that Adam needed to settle down and would need help to really face taking charge of the world –Gen.2: 18 – 24 (a) God said it is not good that the man should be alone, (b) He God said He will make for the man a help mate for him being a woman which in Bible translation a womb caring man so in real sense the woman is a man but perfected in certain area to bring joy, peace, companionship and partnering in all things.

To buttress this point lets look at where or from whence the woman was made from, in chapter 21 – 22, God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep (Bible scholars declared that it was an anesthesia caused sleep as God had a major operation to take a bone marrow from Adam, God took one of the ribs of Adam and made a woman. Amazingly after God made the woman He brought her to Adam, like He God gave the woman in union to Adam and not God permitting him to discover her for himself. Adam did not ask question, He saw this beautiful well curve person looking like him but with some soft perfect shape and immediately like what God presented and then in joy he said this is NOW my bone of bones (Describing additional strength added to himself) and flesh of my flesh(describing companionship and oneness)

When I am told of a man married who is chasing other women or sleeping about, I immediately classified that man as one who is lost and is trying to find himself, it has to do with a low infact a very low self estimation of that man. God in all His wisdom never plan for a man to become lost and trying to discover whether he is a dog, goat, pig or one created in the image of a glorious God.

In my write ups I will not bother myself with teenage sexual relationship, it is not something to spend time going into as this is entirely the loss of family or parental values. I leave that to fathers and mothers, who have failed, the Bible declares in Pro. 22; 6 Train up a child the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. What ever a teenager sees his parents do or what they value he or she will value and do.

I have settle matters of wife beater\molesters and I know where they learnt it from. (Charity begins at home) I rest my case on that here.

A man will spend his time, resources and energy to woo a young lady, sometimes against stiff opposition from either the lady or other males and then spend money and time to marry her and then after a few months sometimes a week then begins to slap her around due to some misunderstanding, its sad and pathetic. I am not saying that the woman does not have her own fault in the matter but I believe the man is the head and God believes in him to give that position to him, so in retrospect he can handle her. In Prov; 11, 29 it warns the man about creating the wrong environment in the home, no matter the provocation the man must not forget who he is. I am shocked to be aware that amongst Christian married men the cases of adultery is increasing everyday. One would think that a Christian should be wiser and fear God or be aware of the plan of the devil and not succumb to the devices of the devil.

The actual reason for most cases of men cheating on their wives is because most of them have not clearly define the actual reason God made the woman FOR THE MAN and this lost men are abusing the reason for the woman. The woman, I hope the women read this is not made for releasing a man in heat (for want of words), there are men who are in heat everyday or every other day (maybe it is caused by either a drug or food), the woman not a girl was made by God to complement the man, to be beneficial to her man, see when a man understand why the woman was made he will use her in the right way. Man stop abusing the woman, any woman who will sleep with a man who is not her own or any woman who will sleep with a man for money or favor has indeed strip herself of her real value and that woman is truly cursed.

Most women don’t know this but most men respect women who stand strong in the face of any plan of abuse. When they I mean the man who has tried to seduce a woman and fails talks about this woman later you will notice admiration for them, but one who has fallen will be spread around like a used rag. It does not matter if you are in a high position or leaving in wealth, it will go round like the saying and I quote “what goes around comes around”. Look MAN let me advice you before getting into the married life find out what it means to be MARRIED, it should drop in your spirit “Marr - ed” for life. Marriage is not for the faint hearted, I know some misguided men think it is to keep a woman who will slave for them and when in heat there should just say yes, you know that’s why some marry more than one its like saying I do not commit sin I have married them to ensure I am not leaving in sin that is absurd. Being married to a woman is the greatest of faith. Two strangers from different background coming together as one in holy wedlock and start a family is an awesome experience.

Williams told a story that occurred in a small gathering of Christian men where he spoke out that in his fifteen years of marriage he has not slept with another woman and he will not sleep with any. He said you could hear a pin drop and that he was shocked to see that the men thought he was lying and stupid. A brother who was a deacon called him a charmed man and that his wife was controlling him. I was told of a general manager of a big corporation who had pleasure in sleeping with cleaners, cooks and in one case slept with two sisters and then the mother who owned the canteen where he eat, to worsen issues he is married to a pretty lady.

What is going on, why would a Christian man turn himself to a dog. These days even the Christian women are doing it. Where did these men or women miss it? IF YOU CAN’T BE FAITHFUL WHY BOTHER MARRYING.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Your money and Banks

Today lets talk about money; Money is not prosperity but a medium of exchange.

Wealth on the other hand is the outward result of prosperity or the result of putting money to its good usages.

Banks do not make a person rich and have not made any man rich. I am amazed at the way people regard banks as if the bank is there to help you become successful.

Our Lord Jesus describe bankers or the use of banks as the least of things one should do to with money when he was explaining the parable of the talents, (Matthew 25, verse 27) He told the servant who did not do anything with his talent but put it in the ground that the least he should have done was to put the money in a bank for some interest.

Bankers do not keep your money in a container in the bank, but sincerely use your hard earn money to do business or lend for large profits.

Let say you keep a million or two in a bank after a year what do you earn as interest, yeah for once do a check. But the bank on the other hand will take your 1 million loan a person to maybe buy a car and make about a quarter or half a million on your money, while leaving you with the same amount you brought without any yield or interest.

Please do not get me wrong here, I use the bank to receive money everyday but my money does not stay in the bank, I use my money to do and run businesses everyday but to just let it stay there is real foolishness.

Years back I tried getting a loan from the bank to start a business it never turn out right the terms were just outrageous, it was me making more money for the bank than for my business.

Please never take a loan to buy an expensive car or any household item, I find that stupid and trying to live in the fast lane. I believe that one can save towards anything gradually. ”Banks are actually shylocks but government approved ones who are ready to pay the levies by government and generate funds for government to stay in business”

Recently a friend took a loan to purchase an asset, before the 2 million was paid out to his account, about a 100 thousand was deducted for bank charges for 24 months payback and in 1 year the percentage has change from 16 percent to about 26 percent.

This year, do not put too much in any bank especially in the so call developing countries as with the Euro debt crises it may turn out to be an economic recession especially Africa and more banks will either merge or just go under. Look at China a nation that turn around from a consuming nation to productive one. It is time to become a producer and not a consumer, let your money begin to work for you. Think on what to do with money, maximize your money, produce, buy and sell, create things that make life easier and become a marketer or reseller.

In my suggestive opinion use a corporative as a business partner, or a micro finance bank that uses the corporative method (LAPO micro finance bank) I benefited from this structures.