Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Prayer and how to pray

What is prayer? The only definition of prayer in the Bible is found in Samuel chapter 1 verse 15-16 in describing Hannah’s praying manner at the temple. It is defined as an outpouring of the soul (where mans emotions dwell) before God. It is heartfelt and continued.

If you study the reading you will discovered that when one prays in that manner most times that one is not heard, but the mouth is moving and the prayer is focus and deep and for hours.

Often times the subject of prayer has been misunderstood by most Christians and it is alarming that this subject of praying is not placed in the rightful order in relating to its importance as practicing Christians.

In my early years as a Christian when asked to pray I will just recite the so called the Lords prayer and that was what most of us Christians ever knew as a prayer. Later on I was taught the right way to pray in Church and made to understand from teachings and personal study that the so called the Lords prayer was not His prayer at all but a model of prayer, the format to pray Luke chapter 11 verse 1and 2, Matthew chapter 6 verse 9.

I dare say that even today some Christians still pray the format our Lord Jesus gave as a daily prayer to be said.

Prayer is seed to be sown daily, Jesus said that “men always ought to pray and not to give up” When we pray we do not say our prayers as is the belief we pray and we pray our Lord Jesus told us “to take with us word with which we will be able”, enable to create, deliver and to overcome. Praying is a labour, there are times to pray for 5 minutes, 15 minutes but when it is a situation that needs changing or a circumstance that must turn around then it becomes a labor.

When we study the life of the Master we discovered that any time he took time to pray, miracles happen, healings and circumstances are changed. Even the Apostles of Christ observed that the life of the master was filled with signs and wonders when ever he came out of his prayer times. There is a level you get to in your prayer time when your spirit opens up and you can see the unseen. As a leader in church when we have had meetings where we would pray for over 4 hours without braking or sitting down all-night and you know what, in the morning we are charged up and not weary.

As a Christian when we pray according to His word, he hears us and we have the certainty that we have the petition of our prayers answered. Luke chapter 11 verse 9 – 10

It might tarry or it might be instant but know this no matter the length of time, prayer is heart felt and continued. When praying about a need, situation or circumstance put away worrying and anxiety Matthew 6 verse 25 – 34 as this can short circuit the power of God as this can lead to desperation and then lack of faith.

When praying and you notice that your faith is dwindling get another Christian or create a prayer chain or group to be united with you in praying as there is an awesome power in united prayer Matthew 18 verse 19, Mark 11 verse 22, John 15 verse 7 and 16.

In prayer remember that there are wrong and right ways of praying, take time to study by reading your Bible. Never rely on anyones comment always take time to study for yourself. The Bible is not for non Christian, but the manual or guide to Christian to living the successful life that God planned for His children, you and me. I study the bible every day and read books and commentary about the Christian life everyday, please do yourself a great blessing by getting books and the different translation of the Bible (Gods written word) and investing time to study. It will change your life forever and make you a success in the issues of this life.

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