Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Power of the Lord's table

The breaking of bread or the Communion is something that is special to me, it’s sacred to me it’s a kind of relationship and oneness between the Lord and me and my brethren.

Instead of my pleading the blood, I take the communion in its totality as the outpouring of the Lord's blood as a covenant and sanctification over me and all that concerns me.

In the book of Matthew chapter 26 verse 26 – 29 where our Lord Jesus first broke bread and drank the cup he declared that it signified the beginning of a new covenant by the shedding of His blood for the atonement of sin for all men which was foretold in Isaiah chapter 49 verse 8, and explained further in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 and Ephesians chapter 2 verse 13- 16.

This covenant is a new law abolishing the former covenant of laws that men could not obey as it was based on laws, this new one our Lord spoke about was based on His shedding of his blood as the Lamb of God, given by God himself for man and it is a covenant of LOVE. John chapter 3 verses 16, God’s love for man brought about it.

After the fall of man (Adam) in his glorified state, it took the love of God to make a redemptive plan to bring him back to God. Without the shedding of blood there is know remission of Sin, Matthew 26 verse 28, Mark chapter 14 verse 24, Luke chapter 22 verse 20 (separation from God, the loss of the glorified man) .

This and many other scripture is what makes the breaking of bread special. The Communion signifies love between us as Christian and oneness with Christ (The anointed one and His anointing).

Any time I visit a Christian family or I am visited by a Christian family and leaving that city or place I ensure we have communion. In Acts Chapter 2 verse 46-47 it teaches about how the Apostle did it in as expression of the oneness and it brought about great result in the Church.

In the book of Corinthians chapter 10 verses 16-17 it answered a question about the Communion and also gave reason for it and the result of doing it in faith.

I also teach the brethren to have communion as often as the occasion arises, for example when praying about an illness and it seem there are challenges instead of praying and pleading the blood just break bread and declare that since His body was broken for you and His blood poured out for you then that sickness cannot stay in your body as the blood of Jesus our Lord has cleanse and made that body perfect. Is it a Job or a business that seem to be a challenge then do the same.

I know a relative who did that almost every week, it got to a point where he used ordinary water in faith when he could not afford the beverage. Today I testify to the glory of God and the poured out blood of the Lamb of God he is working in a high profile job with a salary of five figures.

I will add a comment from a great man of God, E. W. KENYON in his book THE BLOOD COVENANT “The Lord's table is a confession of our faith and our loyalty to love, just as the Fathers giving Jesus is a confession of His love. Jesus coming and giving Himself for us was a confession of His love.

They were both loyal to love.

Jesus said these significant words, “As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup you show forth my death till I come.

It was a Covenant. He said, “This is my blood of the New Covenant” As often as you drink it you show your faith in His Covenant.

When you eat the bread and drink the cup you ratify this Covenant. It is a love Covenant.

First, it is your loyalty and love to Jesus. Second, it is your loyalty and love for His Body, the Church.

It is a confession of your love for another. It is a confession that you have eaten and drunk with them and now you are going to bear their burdens.

You have identified yourself with each other, just as He identified Himself with you in His Incarnation and Substitution.

That would be the Masters attitude toward the Lords table.

When I break the bread and drink the cup, I not only confess my loyalty to Him, but to every member of the Body of Christ who breaks that bread and drinks that cup with me.

If I am strong, I bear the burden of the weak. I have taken over their weaknesses.

The Lord's Table means that I will never criticize, but I will assume their spiritual responsibilities and weaknesses”.

Please I pray you to get this book and it will open your eyes to the significant and importance of The Lord's Table.

Take charge and God bless you

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