Friday, December 4, 2015

The Right Image

Beloved, I am amazed at the Love God our heavenly father has for us His children and until you become aware of His love for you most things in this life will elude you. Right now everything you are going through is a result of what you did or said and it is a result of your lack of knowledge. In Proverbs 6 verse 2: the bible declares the “thou art are snared with the words of thy mouth” I like it in the amplified “thou art  taken captive with the words of thy mouth”. God is not against you in anyway, the very day you gave your life to Christ you became His beloved child and He has given you all things to enjoy not some things but all and it is freely given. Your limitation in life is a result of your lack of knowledge. You must be voracious about the word of God as it is the only material given to the recreated man or woman to live by. Our Christian walk is totally a life of “FAITH”. That issue be it a child, job, money, healing, marriage just name it is totally dependent on the word of God. It is like a wall standing before you and there are different options on how to overcome this wall, there are some you climb, some you jump over it, while some you go around it and there are some you push over and finally some you refuse to recognise it by closing your eyes to it. Remember God never told us to fight with the devil as some Christian are constantly fighting demons and have actually created some by themselves like coca cola demons, hair attachment demons, eating beans in the sleep demons and so forth, beloved stop the fear by not allowing your thoughts create obstacles along the way. As a youth I ate in my dreams, I flew in my dreams and it never bothered me and when I became a member of a church I was amazed to know and met fellow Christians who had issue with it and it was based on wrong doctrines. For example when I and my wife started having children I never knew about hernia and so it never came around our children, most challenges we face as children of God are self-inflicted from the wrong information. Coincidentally the only fight we are told to fight in the bible, is the fight of faith 1 Timothy 6 verse 12 and here it is call a “Good” fight but He told us to only “resist” the devil steadfastly in faith and the devil shall flee God knows the devil very well and He has given us the format to handle him.
Beloved, today make a concrete effort and take a stand against your challenges by refusing to recognise those challenges but use the word of God to change it by not seeing the wrong picture thereby preventing your mouth to enact it by speaking the wrong words. Remember your words are a result of your thoughts pattern which create pictures/images in your mind. Try this from this moment write down what you want, then look for scriptures in the bible that align with your desire which must be in agreement with Gods perfect will for you and spend time each day consistently for a while speaking this words and you shall experience a miraculous change, Gods word never fails it is infallible and a sure thing. I use it and it does not fail, take advantage of God divine providence for you take hold of that job or that child by using His word.
 God bless you              

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