Friday, December 18, 2009

Is this for real or just lust or a weird kind of love?

This is real life scenario and I am short of words on how to describe it or do not know what to classify it, but I believe this forum will enlighten me on what to do. Please I would like all your comment on how to describe it and possible counsel these party involved.
Is it possible for a woman to be abused or beaten in anger in situations that seem to arise almost every other day and when you think that it will stop, there go back to having sex immediately as if nothing happened.
I have been witnessing this situation for while and I am baffled. I am changing names and location to prevent any exposure to this party involved. Mary works in this supermarket and after she got this job her supervisor who is her immediate boss, took a liken to her and they started dating and before long it became sexual as the case is in this part of the world. The first time I was informed of their quarrels I was told that her boyfriend the supervision named John beats her up with blows to her body added with hard sounding slaps and when other colleagues of her tried to step in Musa told them to mind their business.
I have also tried to come in sometimes but John has categorically told me to mind my business. What amazes me is that the abuse is increasing and these guys are still together sexually I have witness cases where John use metal objects to hit Mary, when I approached their boss he told me that there is nothing he can do unless the girl (Mary) complains.
I still say that sex early sexual relationship in a relationship is the cause of abuse to the woman and we must but a stop to it.

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