Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its working for my good

Hello Again,

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

A very pleasant day to you and yours, how was your day yesterday and how has today been. I pray that God leads and perfect you today.

I want to encourage us all today and to let you know this for sure no matter the situation you are not alone and God will always be there for you just learn to let Him be your guide.

There is so much fear today and a lot of worries about the war in the middle east, and children of God is it not amazing that this things just seem to increase, first it was the global financial crisis and just when it look as if that was it then the war in the middle east began before the new year, mmm what do you think, well it is time to laugh and trust your heavenly father, remember His words says to us when men are casts down or shall say there is a casting down you shall say there is a lifting up(Job 22:29).

Wow I love God and His words there just bring a different picture in the face of pressing situations. C'mon the Bible says the world is the Lord and the fullness thereof, the Gold the cattle everything (Wealth and raiment) and all these has He given to you so do not be afraid just speak His word, He told us that no matter what, where ever we go and in any situation let us Take with us words with which we will be able to build ourselves up and receive an inheritance among them that are sanctified.

So my brothers and sisters, no matter the situation, be it in your marriage, job, finances, body just no this it will turn our for your good, you are not the first and He has already sent His word to strengthen you and heal you completely.

If its your job know this, you are to valuable to be sacked, God put you there to bless that company, If it is your spouse, remember the family that prays together stays together, pray more together and learn to spend time together have fellowship, be in charge, your health ho ho are you not aware His word is light to your feet and medicine to your body just take a hold of your body and begin to declare his word over yourself.

Remember it is a special year for God to show the world that you are His very own as we begin to take control as Sons and Daughters of the most high God.

At work, home, school where ever say this prayer, I am not of this world, I live in the world but not of it, I hail from mount Zion and I cannot be moved or shaken because I know who I am. I in covenant with Jehovah El-shaddai the Almighty God. The future belongs to me. I am a victor, I own this world as a seed of Abraham, and I rule, dictate and lead in this world. Jesus is Lord of my life and he puts me over today. I receive ideas and information to put me ahead in my job, in my business in my home in my marriage in my academics in all that I do today, Glory to God hallelujah, just go ahead and shout oh oh glory amen.

Have a glorious day and remember you are a bundle of Success happening today

Pastor Praise

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