Beloved I read a story on a website about an erroneous statement an
unbeliever made about God and called our heavenly Father wicked in
sending one who refuses to accept Jesus
and what He did in His redemptive plan to Hell. God is not like that in
anyway, God is LOVE! God does not just “love” but He is the embodiment
of LOVE. Remember in the garden it was man that sinned and would have
turned out to become like the devil without redemption if not for the
mercy of God in preventing man from eating from the tree of live and man
would have lived for ever in that sinful state.
Hell was never
intended for man by God, before man showed up hell was intended for the
devil and his angels who fell away with him; read Matthew chapter 25
verses 41. The devil and his demon know that the only way for them to
get back at God is for Jesus to see and feel pained when He see those
that he died for going to hell after all He had done for them, John
chapter 3 verse 16 – 17, Romans 5 verse 8, John 15 verse 13. Beloved be
assured that God is not the one out to get you or is against you just
take time out and read the bible daily and go to CHURCH get involved in
the things of the kingdom and do not allow yourself to be deceived or
frustrated by the devil and his little demons. What is that thing
standing in your way is it finances, a troublesome spouse, marriage, a
delay in childbearing, a job, business or an infirmity in your body or a
loved one, be aware it CANNOT be of God but demonic learn to trust God
and His word. If you have tried everything prayers, fasting, sowing
seeds why not close your eyes to this personal challenges and become a
soul winner, go out every day to preach to that man or that woman about
what Jesus did, look for someone in a similar situation and bring hope
to that one and what God has declared concerning those who have sold out
to him shall become your portion Matthew chapter 6 verse 33. Beloved
bring joy in heaven Luke 15 verse 10 and heaven shall be moved to your
favour. God bless you