Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Infidelity in Marriage

Seriously I am lost of words to explain or try to find out where the problems in marriage really originate from, why a grown man or supposed grown man would find it difficult to handle a woman (his wife). After all when it was dating time it was ideal it was wow so where has the feeling gone to. Well like I said in my first write up, it is a male egocentric problem.

Lets go back to the beginning when the woman was first introduce to the man, please read the tenses, man and woman not boy and girl. Remember Adam came as a grown man and it was his father God who decided that Adam needed to settle down and would need help to really face taking charge of the world –Gen.2: 18 – 24 (a) God said it is not good that the man should be alone, (b) He God said He will make for the man a help mate for him being a woman which in Bible translation a womb caring man so in real sense the woman is a man but perfected in certain area to bring joy, peace, companionship and partnering in all things.

To buttress this point lets look at where or from whence the woman was made from, in chapter 21 – 22, God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep (Bible scholars declared that it was an anesthesia caused sleep as God had a major operation to take a bone marrow from Adam, God took one of the ribs of Adam and made a woman. Amazingly after God made the woman He brought her to Adam, like He God gave the woman in union to Adam and not God permitting him to discover her for himself. Adam did not ask question, He saw this beautiful well curve person looking like him but with some soft perfect shape and immediately like what God presented and then in joy he said this is NOW my bone of bones (Describing additional strength added to himself) and flesh of my flesh(describing companionship and oneness)

When I am told of a man married who is chasing other women or sleeping about, I immediately classified that man as one who is lost and is trying to find himself, it has to do with a low infact a very low self estimation of that man. God in all His wisdom never plan for a man to become lost and trying to discover whether he is a dog, goat, pig or one created in the image of a glorious God.

In my write ups I will not bother myself with teenage sexual relationship, it is not something to spend time going into as this is entirely the loss of family or parental values. I leave that to fathers and mothers, who have failed, the Bible declares in Pro. 22; 6 Train up a child the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. What ever a teenager sees his parents do or what they value he or she will value and do.

I have settle matters of wife beater\molesters and I know where they learnt it from. (Charity begins at home) I rest my case on that here.

A man will spend his time, resources and energy to woo a young lady, sometimes against stiff opposition from either the lady or other males and then spend money and time to marry her and then after a few months sometimes a week then begins to slap her around due to some misunderstanding, its sad and pathetic. I am not saying that the woman does not have her own fault in the matter but I believe the man is the head and God believes in him to give that position to him, so in retrospect he can handle her. In Prov; 11, 29 it warns the man about creating the wrong environment in the home, no matter the provocation the man must not forget who he is. I am shocked to be aware that amongst Christian married men the cases of adultery is increasing everyday. One would think that a Christian should be wiser and fear God or be aware of the plan of the devil and not succumb to the devices of the devil.

The actual reason for most cases of men cheating on their wives is because most of them have not clearly define the actual reason God made the woman FOR THE MAN and this lost men are abusing the reason for the woman. The woman, I hope the women read this is not made for releasing a man in heat (for want of words), there are men who are in heat everyday or every other day (maybe it is caused by either a drug or food), the woman not a girl was made by God to complement the man, to be beneficial to her man, see when a man understand why the woman was made he will use her in the right way. Man stop abusing the woman, any woman who will sleep with a man who is not her own or any woman who will sleep with a man for money or favor has indeed strip herself of her real value and that woman is truly cursed.

Most women don’t know this but most men respect women who stand strong in the face of any plan of abuse. When they I mean the man who has tried to seduce a woman and fails talks about this woman later you will notice admiration for them, but one who has fallen will be spread around like a used rag. It does not matter if you are in a high position or leaving in wealth, it will go round like the saying and I quote “what goes around comes around”. Look MAN let me advice you before getting into the married life find out what it means to be MARRIED, it should drop in your spirit “Marr - ed” for life. Marriage is not for the faint hearted, I know some misguided men think it is to keep a woman who will slave for them and when in heat there should just say yes, you know that’s why some marry more than one its like saying I do not commit sin I have married them to ensure I am not leaving in sin that is absurd. Being married to a woman is the greatest of faith. Two strangers from different background coming together as one in holy wedlock and start a family is an awesome experience.

Williams told a story that occurred in a small gathering of Christian men where he spoke out that in his fifteen years of marriage he has not slept with another woman and he will not sleep with any. He said you could hear a pin drop and that he was shocked to see that the men thought he was lying and stupid. A brother who was a deacon called him a charmed man and that his wife was controlling him. I was told of a general manager of a big corporation who had pleasure in sleeping with cleaners, cooks and in one case slept with two sisters and then the mother who owned the canteen where he eat, to worsen issues he is married to a pretty lady.

What is going on, why would a Christian man turn himself to a dog. These days even the Christian women are doing it. Where did these men or women miss it? IF YOU CAN’T BE FAITHFUL WHY BOTHER MARRYING.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Your money and Banks

Today lets talk about money; Money is not prosperity but a medium of exchange.

Wealth on the other hand is the outward result of prosperity or the result of putting money to its good usages.

Banks do not make a person rich and have not made any man rich. I am amazed at the way people regard banks as if the bank is there to help you become successful.

Our Lord Jesus describe bankers or the use of banks as the least of things one should do to with money when he was explaining the parable of the talents, (Matthew 25, verse 27) He told the servant who did not do anything with his talent but put it in the ground that the least he should have done was to put the money in a bank for some interest.

Bankers do not keep your money in a container in the bank, but sincerely use your hard earn money to do business or lend for large profits.

Let say you keep a million or two in a bank after a year what do you earn as interest, yeah for once do a check. But the bank on the other hand will take your 1 million loan a person to maybe buy a car and make about a quarter or half a million on your money, while leaving you with the same amount you brought without any yield or interest.

Please do not get me wrong here, I use the bank to receive money everyday but my money does not stay in the bank, I use my money to do and run businesses everyday but to just let it stay there is real foolishness.

Years back I tried getting a loan from the bank to start a business it never turn out right the terms were just outrageous, it was me making more money for the bank than for my business.

Please never take a loan to buy an expensive car or any household item, I find that stupid and trying to live in the fast lane. I believe that one can save towards anything gradually. ”Banks are actually shylocks but government approved ones who are ready to pay the levies by government and generate funds for government to stay in business”

Recently a friend took a loan to purchase an asset, before the 2 million was paid out to his account, about a 100 thousand was deducted for bank charges for 24 months payback and in 1 year the percentage has change from 16 percent to about 26 percent.

This year, do not put too much in any bank especially in the so call developing countries as with the Euro debt crises it may turn out to be an economic recession especially Africa and more banks will either merge or just go under. Look at China a nation that turn around from a consuming nation to productive one. It is time to become a producer and not a consumer, let your money begin to work for you. Think on what to do with money, maximize your money, produce, buy and sell, create things that make life easier and become a marketer or reseller.

In my suggestive opinion use a corporative as a business partner, or a micro finance bank that uses the corporative method (LAPO micro finance bank) I benefited from this structures.