Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A friend indeed

A man sent me this story 2 days ago from Huston Texas, USA. It’s a sad episode and very compelling all I could do was to counsel him with the word of God and also to let him know that God through Jesus Christ his son will carry him through.
I will be using fictitious names here to protect all parties involved.
Jake has a wonderful home and a pretty wife with 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl.
He met his wife after high school and got married real early, he was just 21 and Kate 18 when they had their first child a boy and then a girl before having the 3rd and then 4th child.
After the last child was 2 years old, Katie started dieting and lost all her child bearing weight and got a job through the help of a family friend who is also married with kids. Jake notice that Katie would stay late sometimes in the office and mostly on Fridays will get home late even do where she works a pharmaceutical company was just 30 mins drive from home.
Jake never suspected anything, but one day he got this anonymous phone call telling him to go and she what was keeping Katie late in the office. Jake drove to the office complex and packed in a conspicuous space overlooking the entrance, not long after who did he see coming out of the office block Katie his pretty wife and the close family friend.
Apparently it’s been going on for a while and it looks like 1 or 2 people are aware and the close family friend’s wife is also aware.
What does he do, he still loves his wife but he is really heart broken. He wants to either attack this family friend and also gets back at him by sleeping with the friends’ wife.
What do you think? It’s a wicked act by both parties, considering the close relationship and it does not look like a love thing just a sexual thing.
For the close family friend, he lacks knowledge.
Proverbs 9, 17 and Proverbs 6 32 – 35
Send me any similar issue by email if you have one.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Making Choices and the resultant effect

Sometimes the choices we make greatly affect not ourselves but those around us. In most cases the ones who make the wrong choices are not around to see the effects of their wrong choices.
Mike left school ten years ago; he’s been married for 7 years now with 3 kids and a lovely wife Sharon who is a kindergarten teacher. It was a happy family and peaceful. Mike was a good father always went home straight from the office and loved his family never went anywhere without them on weekends and public holidays. Committed in church, a leader and also in the Sunday school department.
Things suddenly change when companies started downsizing excuse “global recession” and Mike lost his job and money became an issue as Sharon salary from teaching was not adequate. Mike never lost hope he became more committed in church, had all-night prayer meetings, went on soul winning meetings and even fasted and then 2 years later got a big job with a housing loan, a car and a fantastic salary.
At home things changed, it was a dream come true, but Sharon notice that Mike had changed he made new friends who were not solid Christians, he came home late, spent time with his new friends in his new social circle and always felt more at ease when not at home.
H e became more outlandish in his dressing and spending, no matter what Sharon said he would not listen. All Sharon could do was to pray for her husband.
One day in June on a Friday evening another colleague of Mike invited him to a small party at a socialite home up town and off they went without Mike letting Sharon aware of the outing.
Till this day no one knows what really happened but on the way back, Mike had an accident and passed on.
Today their 3 kids are leaving with different relatives and the 4th one who was delivered after Mike’s accident is the only one with Sharon who is leaving in a one room apartment somewhere in a low rise area.
The choices we make affects our love ones more than we know, Mike would have remembered that he had responsibilities and a duty to his family. He broke the hedge he forgot himself and decided to compromise things.
In all that you do put your loved ones in focus, a glass of drink, the desire to over speed, the impulse to act differently without taken time to ponder on the effect of such actions.
The cases are different, the effects also different, never become callous or indifferent be yourself never be pressured by either your peers or colleagues, REMEMBER you are responsible to someone.
BE WISE and in all thy getting get understanding.